Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Do You Still Trust Facebook, After What Happen With Mark Zuckerberg ?

The hackers infiltrated to Mark Zuckerberg Facebook account is such an embarrassment thing to this social network site. Even security experts was hard to believe. “How can ‘sophisticated’ people such Mark Zuckerberg, a Facebook founder with members of nearly 600 million people in the world, very careless and become a hackers victim ?” The question of Internet users in the world today is “Do You Still Trust Facebook, After What happen With Mark Zukerberg ?”

According Sophos research firm, hackers are not just targeting ordinary or famous people. Even an IT activists can be a hackers victim, including Zuckerberg. ”I suspect, at least there’s two ways that made Zuckerberg account haked. As common people, the first possibility is by guessing the passwords, “said Graham Cluley, Sophos analyst. But for the first pattern, Cluley believes it is very unlikely. Most likely, continued Cluley, Zuckerberg became the hackers target using Firesheep trap when he using the unencrypted wireless network in public places, such as cafes, hotels, airports or other locations.Firesheep can be infiltrated through a network and allows hackers to get passwords that protected only by using the same encrypted network.

“It’s hard to know why and how the Zuckerberg fan page could be hacked. Maybe he’s also using a laptop which already contain malware so the username and password can be retrieved by hackers and the information can be used to attack his fan page. But I think the first two patterns are very likely to happen, “said Cluley.Cluley. This intrusion will inform the owner and another social networking member that their social network was very weak and unsecure.

On his own fan page, Zuckerberg has approximately two million fans. Expert always recommend the user to make an unpredictable password, and not a derived word from the dictionary. In fact, they are also advised to download the browser plug-ins that will automatically ask for an encrypted wifi network and get secure when accessing password-protected sites, like Facebook.

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