This blog is about grade 10 Week Without Wall project. This blog provide all information about Grade 10 Week Without Wall event. In here there are photos, videos and other information about Grade 10 Week Without Wall. You can comment here and make some post about things you want to comment about.
Grade 10 Week Without Wall is in 8-10 February. We went to Jakarta and Bandung, at Jakarta we only go to the Garuda food catering and plane repairment. Then we went to Bandung and there we go to many places. We also sleep at Amaris hotel in cihampelas.
Grade 10 Week Without Wall is in 8-10 February. We went to Jakarta and Bandung, at Jakarta we only go to the Garuda food catering and plane repairment. Then we went to Bandung and there we go to many places. We also sleep at Amaris hotel in cihampelas.